Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
189 lines
; CONVERT By Eric Tauck
; This program converts a binary file to a text
; format suitable for inclusion into a Turbo C or
; or Turbo Pascal program.
; The usage is:
; CONVERT [c | pascal] < input_file > output_file
; The input file is any existing file, probably
; an assembled WASM program. The output_file
; will be created (or overwritten if it already
; exists). The output is either formatted for
; the Turbo C __emit__ statement or the Turbo
; Pascal Inline statement.
; This program makes use of the WASM library
; files.
INCLUDE 'library\start.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\parms.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\string.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\case1.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\case2.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\convert.asm'
INCLUDE 'library\file.asm'
STDIN EQU 0 ;standard input device handle
STDOUT EQU 1 ;standard output device handle
WIDTH EQU 10 ;number of numbers across
P_FORMAT EQU 0 ;use Pascal format
C_FORMAT EQU 1 ;use C format
;--- program entry point, determine format
mov format, P_FORMAT ;default format
mov si, OFFSET p_sep ;Pascal separator
call ParGet ;get next parameter
jc main1 ;jump if none
mov di, ax
call StrUpr ;convert to uppercase
mov bx, di
mov ax, OFFSET p_str ;Pascal option
call StrCmp ;check if matches
jnc main1 ;jump if so
mov format, C_FORMAT ;default format
mov si, OFFSET c_sep ;C separator
mov bx, di
mov ax, OFFSET c_str ;C option
call StrCmp ;check if matches
jc main6 ;jump if not
;--- loop for each input byte
main1 sub di, di ;zero bytes in row
jmp main5
main2 or di, di ;check if any bytes yet
jz main3
push ax
mov ax, si ;separator
call output ;output
pop ax
main3 cmp di, WIDTH ;check if too wide
jb main4
push ax
mov ax, OFFSET eolstr ;end of line string
call output
sub di, di ;reset column count
pop ax
main4 call putnum ;output byte
jc main6 ;exit loop if error
inc di ;increment bytes in this row
main5 call input ;get a byte of input
jnc main2 ;loop if byte returned
;--- finished
mov ax, 4C00H ;exit with no error code
int 21H ;execute
;--- error
main6 mov ax, 4CFFH ;exit with error code
int 21H ;execute
;--- data
p_str DB 'PASCAL',0 ;Pascal type
p_sep DB '/',0 ;Pascal separator
c_str DB 'C',0 ;C type
c_sep DB ',',0 ;C separator
eolstr DB 13,10,0 ;end of line string
; Output a 8 bit number.
; In: AL= number.
putnum PROC NEAR
push ax
mov ax, OFFSET pstart ;Pascal header
cmp format, P_FORMAT ;check if Pascal
je putnum1 ;jump if so
mov ax, OFFSET cstart ;C header
putnum1 call output ;output header
pop ax ;restore value
call maknum ;convert to number
call output ;output number
pstart DB '$',0 ;Pascal number header
cstart DB '0x',0 ;C number header
; Convert an 8 bit number to a string.
; In: AL= number.
; Out: AX= string address.
maknum PROC NEAR
sub dx, dx ;
sub ah, ah ;number in DX:AX
mov cx, 16 ;base
mov bx, OFFSET numbuff ;place to put number
call Num2Str ;convert to string
mov ax, OFFSET numbuff ;number string
call StrLen ;get length
sub ax, 2
add ax, OFFSET numbuff ;add a preceding zero if necessary
DB '0' ;preceding zero
numbuff DS 3 ;2 digits and a null terminator
; Send a string to the standard output
; device.
; In: AX= string address; CY= set if
; error.
output PROC NEAR
push ax
call StrLen ;get bytes to write
mov cx, ax
pop ax
mov dx, ds
mov bx, STDOUT ;device handle
call FilWri ;write to file
; Read a byte from the standard input
; device.
; Out: AL= byte; CY= set if EOF
; (or error).
mov ax, OFFSET inpbuf
mov dx, ds
mov bx, STDIN ;device handle
mov cx, 1 ;read byte
call FilRea ;read from file
mov al, inpbuf ;load byte
inpbuf DB ? ;single byte input buffer
; Uninitialized data.
format LABEL BYTE ;current format
ORG +1